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Texas DeMolays, Job's Daughters and Rainbows met at the state capitol in Austin as a mock legislature on February 16-18. Following are pictures from the event ( if you have pictures of Government Day, forward them to the Administrator for posting! ).

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State Master Councilor R. J. Morlock presides as Speaker of the House of Representatives during the morning session.
Shortly before lunch, Thomas Fawcett (San Antonio and Albert Pike Chapters) is elected to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives for the remainder of Government Day.
Lee McGinnis of Corpus Christi Chapter (and District Deputy State Master Councilor of the Alamo District), is elected to serve as President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
Katie Hampton of San Antonio Assembly No. 3 (and Sweetheart of Albert Pike Chapter) prepares her notes prior to speaking.
Jonathan Huth of Albert Pike Chapter speaks in the affirmative on an incredibly important bill.
The Texas Job's Daughters make monetary donations to two needy children to assist them in purchasing assisted hearing devices.
A crowd in front of the Speaker's podium usually means...something.
Members of San Antonio Chapter wait their turn at the opposition microphone to tear the affirmative arguments to shreds.
Alexis Work of Bethel No. 1 San Antonio (and Sweetheart of San Antonio Chapter) states her case at the opposition microphone.
Thomas Fawcett receives his certificate for service as Speaker of the House for the 2001 Government Day.
Lee McGinnis receives his certicate for service as President Pro Tempore for the 2001 Government Day.
Charles Maddox of Albert Pike Chapter receives his certificate for being the Outstanding DeMolay Representative at the 2001 Government Day.
Cassie Schiano of Bethel No. 1 San Antonio receives her certificate for being the Outstanding Job's Daughters Representative at the 2001 Government Day.
Katie Hampton of San Antonio Assembly receives her certificate for being the Outstanding Rainbow Representative at the 2001 Government Day.
Jared May of Albert Pike Chapter receives his certificate for being the Outstanding DeMolay Senator at the 2001 Government Day.
Desirie Vargas of Bethel No. 1 San Antonio (and the Miss Texas Job's Daughters) receives her certificate for being the Outstanding Job's Daughters Senator at the 2001 Government Day.
Amy Musick of Port Neches Assembly receives her certificate for being the Outstanding Rainbow Senator at the 2001 Government Day.
Junior Councilor Charles Maddox receives the Best DeMolay Delegation certificate on behalf of Albert Pike Chapter.
Honored Queen Jessica Burney receives the Best Job's Daughters Delegation certificate on behalf of Bethel No. 1 San Antonio.
Worthy Advisor Jean Barnes receives the Best Rainbow Delegation certificate on behalf of San Antonio Assembly.
Members of Albert Pike Chapter gather outside the capitol building after the award ceremonies.
Members of San Antonio Assembly gather outside the capitol building after the award ceremonies.