Texas DeMolay Chapters have a wide variety of activities and social events. These include dances, outings at local theme parks, movie nights and dinner meetings. Chapters usually hold several fundraisers every year to raise the money to do other fun things and to help the members with the cost of attending statewide events. The Texas DeMolay Association brings DeMolays from across the state together in seveal events every year, including:

  • Government Day - DeMolay is the only youth group in Texas allowed to use the House and Senate chambers at the state capitol building in Austin. Each year in February, DeMolays, Job's Daughters and Rainbows meet at the capitol to write their own bills, debate them in the House and Senate chambers, write amendments and pass or fail mock "laws." This gives each DeMolay the chance to sharpen his public speaking skills and is a fun way to learn about the way our government works by actually participating in the process.

  • Masonic Youth Weekend - The Grand Lodge of Texas sponsors a weekend retreat at the Greene Family Camp in Bruceville, TX, for DeMolays, Job's Daughters and Rainbows. Usually held the last weekend in April, the members of each group come together to discuss new ways to work together, share success stories and learn how to apply them to their own local groups, and have fun in co-ed group activities.

  • Texas DeMolay Conclave - Held each year in July, the annual Conclave is the big event for all Texas DeMolays. Conclave gives DeMolays the chance to compete against each other in athletic competitions and in the memory work of the Order, both individually and in teams. A highlight of each year's Conclave is the election of new state-wide officers to lead Texas DeMolay for the coming year. Recent Conclaves have been held in Galveston, Corpus Christi, Ft. Worth and Houston.

  • State Master Councilor's Retreat - Also held at the Greene Family Camp, this Retreat is for DeMolays only (though, fortunately for us, the Job's Daughters hold their annual Rally at the same camp on the same weekend). DeMolays from Chapters around the state meet to share ideas, to learn leadership skills, and to have fun with various athletic activities and a dance.